Author's posts
Jan 23
Painful Silence
Have you ever wished desperately to hear from someone that you love? The silence can be painful. For just a moment, consider that experience from a different perspective. Elijah had been missing for two weeks, and we were not sure why he wasn’t contacting us to let us know he was safe and well. During that time God …
Jan 22
Catching Fire
A wise person once told me, “Don’t worry about others catching fire. Just catch fire yourself. At least others will gather around to watch you burn. And they may well catch fire from you!” The picture above was taken one month before we lost Elijah. I was burning some brush in our fire pit early one evening, …
Jan 20
Life On Purpose
Thank you to all who supported our family and helped to honor Elijah as we learned of his passing. Elijah was an amazing young man, and his life and death have had a significant impact on the lives of so many people. As we understand more of Elijah’s life and the touch of God upon …
Jan 20
Elijah’s Last Notes
We found Elijah’s personal notes from November 23, 2014. He was preparing to create an inspirational video to reach people for God, and these were the thoughts he was preparing. Follow your dreams and passions and don’t sit around living someone else’s life. There’s no sense in getting upset you can only look at the …
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