Would You Rather Laugh or Cry?


Categories: LifeOnPurpose


To Laugh or Cry

If given a choice, would you rather laugh or cry?  I think most of us would choose laughter.

Laughter is such a great expression of joy and happiness. It’s even more obvious than a smile. A smile makes us think that someone is content and happy, at least for that moment. But laughter is like an explosive smile. Something hilarious has triggered some irresistible release of joy. And it’s infectious!

When someone around me laughs without me knowing why, I have a crazy desire to find out what was so funny. I want to share in the humor. I’m sure we have all laughed in private, but laughter is meant to be shared. Everyone wants in on the fun. Whether I’m giggling, chuckling, LOL or LMAO, it’s more fun to share the humor. That’s why we tell jokes and make fun of things that seem silly. Some of my happiest memories are times with friends and family when I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

The opposite of happiness is sadness. Just as laughter exposes our happiness, crying exposes our sorrow. Unlike laughter, I certainly don’t find myself rushing to join in with someone who is crying. But crying can be as infectious as laughter. There is some sort of emotional connection that allows us to identify with someone else’s sadness.

Who doesn’t want to be happy? But not many of us actually want to be sad. Sadness is caused by emotional pain. While we are drawn to happiness, we usually try to avoid pain. Unfortunately, the things that cause emotional pain take us by surprise. And one of the greatest causes of that pain is the loss of a loved one. Especially our children.

Children are not meant to die before their parents. Those of us who have experienced the loss of a child realize that we are members of a small club that no one wants to join. But we also realize that our pain now allows us to understand the sorrow that others have gone through.

And here is one of the greatest lessons I have learned through this process: I now have an intense hunger for heaven that I had never experienced before. I can hardly wait for the day when I will be reunited with my Elijah in the glorious splendor of heaven. It has forever changed my perspective and my priorities. Laughter could never have done that for me.

Would I choose crying over laughter? No, I wouldn’t. But don’t feel sorry for yourself if you have been thrust involuntarily into deep sorrow and pain. The experience will refine you. It will mature you. And you will know how to comfort others.

I had never really noticed the following verse of scripture before, but I think it sums it all up:

Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us. (Ecclesiastes 7:3)

Sorrow can set my direction. Laughter just helps me get there.


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-Ken Buchanan

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